Who is Van Beethoven?
Throughout history, there have been those who are so passionate, driven and innovative, they changed the course of culture. Each can be seen as more than just a man – they are a Van. As a master coffee roaster, Albert-Louis Van Houtte was a member of this extremely exclusive club.
Today, we explore the life of another Van who was also a master of his craft: Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, a city in modern-day Germany, in December of 1770. While the exact date of his birth is uncertain, what is known is this master started creating music very young.
Nearly 250 years after his birth, many can still immediately recognize the work of composer and pianist Ludwig van Beethoven. He may not have been trying to make popular music, yet his body of work still resonates today.
This timeless trademark comes down to that Van-like quality and meticulous craftsmanship; where Van Beethoven mixed layers of strings and piano keys, Albert-Louis Van Houtte composed roasting techniques for a symphony of flavours and harmonious blends.